z0mg! the storefront!

(Because donating without getting something in return is lame.)

Oh, just look at all this crap that's lying around...
Introducing the grand unveiling of the official z0mg! the comic! store! Currently I only have two designs, listed below, however as time goes by I will add more! Feel free to snoop around a bit and see if anything peaks your interest! ...Buy something! Or don't, whatever works for you... That said, I leave you now so that I can begin working on my newest comic/t-shirt/item designs.

This is the official z0mg! the comic! logo, emblazoned on a plethora of items. The delightfully snarky logo just about says everything that needs to be said, while proving to all that you truly are a fan.

The second image in the gallery is my "zombie bait" line of shirts/accessories. Everyone should wear this because really, in the end, if you're not a zombie already, then you're just walking bait for one... Show the world that you're not afraid to say "Hey zombies, I have a pulse and a living brain, come get some!"

So far that's all we have for logos for shirts/apparel but as I stated before keep checking back for more to come in the future! Also: as an added bonus to all of my fans out there, There's also an official z0mg! the comic! desktop background made by yours truly which I have available for free below:

(Simply click on the resolution you want, then right-click on the image (or ctrl-click on a Mac) and select "Save Picture as" and make sure you know where you save it, and voila! you too can have a z0mg! image for your desktop!)
I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!

z0mg! the home page!
z0mg! the comic is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of The Jaded. The 'Charcoal Indextemplate' is free-use for all Keenspacers.